If you are passionate about social justice and human rights, social work is the profession for you. In this degree, you’ll study society, human services provision, counselling, human behaviour and development, policy and practice as well as specialised social work courses. You’ll complete two four-day-a-week field placements in your degree, each totalling 500 hours, supervised by a qualified social worker. Placements will be sourced in your area of choice where possible, and it may be possible to negotiate a workplace-based field placement. There are also exciting opportunities for international field placements and visiting communities in India and Nepal. Students have completed field placements in Cambodia with UNICEF and Save the Children, and in Indonesia. For more course information, visit Bachelor of Social Work at GU.
Distance education students must be available to attend 20 days of face-to-face intensive study at the Gold Coast campus throughout the program. Griffith offers a number of admission pathways to your preferred degree. If you don’t meet the minimum ATAR/selection rank for this degree, you will automatically be considered for a place in the Diploma of Social and Human Services/Bachelor of Social Work. This means you may receive an offer into the Bachelor of Social Work which is conditional on successful completion of the Diploma of Social and Human Services at Griffith University. Upon successful completion of the Diploma of Social and Human Services you will be transferred into the second year of the Bachelor of Social Work program. Visit the Griffith University website for more information.
Refer to entry under Griffith University for: D Social and Human Services/B Social Work. Refer to entry under Griffith College for: D Social and Psychological Science/B Social Work.
This an indicative only amount for first year fees. For further information refer to http://www.griffith.edu.au/students/enrolment-timetables-fees/paying-your-fees.
Students must meet all professional practice requirements. For more information, visit the Griffith University website.
For minimum age requirements please visit Institution minimum age requirements
Applicants must meet the minimum age requirements for admission, see the QTAC website for details.
Griffith VET Guarantee applies to this program. For more information visit griffith.edu.au/guaranteed-admission.
Any General or Applied English subject (Units 3 and 4, C)
For more information about the ATAR/Selection Rank profile, please visit ATAR/Selection Rank profile explained.
Highest Rank to receive an offer
Median Rank to receive an offer
Lowest Rank to receive an offer
ATAR/Selection Rank excluding adjustment factors
ATAR/Selection Rank including adjustment factors
Excluding: The lowest ATAR/Selection Rank to which an offer was made, excluding adjustment factors.
Including: The lowest ATAR/Selection Rank to which an offer was made including any adjustment factors that may have been applied.
For more information about the Student profile, please visit Student profile explained.
Higher education study
Vocational Education and Training (VET) study
Work and life experience
Recent secondary education
Recent secondary education admitted solely on the basis of ATAR/Rank
Admitted where both ATAR/Rank and additional criteria were considered
Admitted on the basis of other criteria only and ATAR/Rank was not a factor
International students
All students
Number of students
Percentage of all students
* “<5" – the number of students is less than 5
Social work professional practice includes work with individuals, families and communities. Fields of practice include child welfare and families, health and mental health, counselling, youth and adolescents, working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people from diverse cultures including migrants and refugees, the disability field, older persons, employment and income support, policy development and research. Social work continues to have strong projected job growth with health care and social assistance is one of Australia’s leading employment sectors. Strong growth is projected to continue to 2023 in this sector largely driven by the NDIS (Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme) and an aging population.
Australian Association of Social Workers.
4 years Full time or 8 years Part time